Monday, December 21, 2009

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone!

Friday, December 4, 2009

For Those with Labyrinthitis

Well things are getting better. No spins, just fatigue, a lot less coffee and fatigue. And a lot less smokes. Yes I started back up again, my bad. And today a lot less buzzing in the ears.

Thought I'd recommend a site for you all which provides great support from others suffering from this maladie:

Ok it's in the U.K. or England for those who don't know what the U.K. is. But great folks from all over the planet.

Keep the faith and hang in there!!!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Getting Better with Labyrinthitis

Well today is the second day in a row that I have avoided the spins. I have discovered a few websites that offer at the very least, moral and emotional support for those of us that have this affliction. According to my most recent visit to the doctor, it is clearing up as it was discovered early. I also have very nice thyroids according to my physician. I have never heard thyroids described as "nice." My bro Jules recommended this doctor. My old physician retired eons ago. A very cool lady this doctor.

On the down side after going smokeless for almost three weeks, I am back on the tobacco again.

For those of you that have issues, the best site I have discovered is Based in the U.K. it is open to all. Really very nice people there.

If you are reading this, please feel free to post your experiences anytime.

Peace out and keep up the good fight.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Labyrinthitis - What a pain!

Yo peoples - long time no blog. However I did manage to pick up an ailment called labyrinthitis which is an inner ear infection - also know known as menier's disease. It is more a syndrome according to the medical texts I have a researched rather than a disease. What it does is gives one the spins and knocks out your balance. I have many prescribed drugs to combat the symptoms. In the meantime I have also had to quit smoking - 7 days and counting! Can't listen to Motorhead at 10 as loud noises are excruciating and set off bouts of vertigo...If any one out there knows of something to combat this ailment, post something on this blog.

Peace out...

Monday, March 23, 2009

My Visit to Cleveland

It has been a while since I added to this blog. I went to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Clevelend last week. It is the best $20 USD that I have ever spent. Whatever musical genre you follow in modern music, you can find something. It has the best Jimi Hendrix and Beatles exhibits going! Even Michael Jackson's glove is in there.

The drive was great - no bad weather, a little on the cool side, and sunny as well. Given the U.S. economy, it was surprising to see the malls and restaurants full. And really, Cleveland is a nice looking city. Actually the place rocks! And great places to eat. Next time in Cleveland, visit it's Little Italy section. It is really hard to find a bad place to eat.

What is interesting is the waterfront of Cleveland. talk about spiffy-the city I live in always has politicians arguing about what to do about the waterfront. Consequently nothing gets done and our waterfront looks like crap.

The best thing about the trip was that the love goddess actually enjoyed the city as well as the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

Scratch one item off the bucket list. Next up - Mount Rushmore.

Monday, February 2, 2009

The U.S.A. has Barack Obama but we were first!!

I came across an interesting article by a guy named Roger Hunziker some of which is below.

William Peyton Hubbard became an alderman (city councillor) in 1894, the first black man to be elected to public office in Toronto.

Hubbard was a Toronto boy (like me), born and bred in a cabin in what was called ‘The Bush’ (the general area of Bloor and Brunswick today-A.K.A. the annex area of the city of Toronto today). I was not born in a cabin but my parents were refugees from a different era which is why this Hubbard dude sounds like a cool guy!

Hubbards father was a refugee slave from Virginia, and worked as a waiter to earn a living for his family. William was sent to school to learn to be a baker . Toronto public schools were not segregated, which gave the children of slaves a chance to get educated.

His own experience as a black man growing up in mid-nineteenth century Toronto later led him to champion the cause of tolerance, and to fight against racial prejudice. Hubbard worked as a baker for sixteen years until he decided to enter municipal politics. He re-elected every year for thirteen straight years.

He had many achievements while a Toronto alderman but will be remembered for standing up in council for the rights of the common man. He protected small Chinese laundry businesses from the assault of large laundry companies. Hubbard also fought to keep the city’s water supply public, and in 1907 Hubbard and Adam Beck pushed through the creation of a publicly owned hydroelectric company, now Hydro One. Beck and Hubbard were first to call for “public power”, not the Ontario New Democratic Party.

Hubbard was defeated for the first time in1908, ironically because the voters resented him for bringing about the Toronto Hydro-Electric System. He returned to council five years later. Even then Toronto voters were fickle-imagine that!

Hubbard lived to an old age witnessing the arrival of waves of immigrants, World War I, and the Depression and died in 1935.

So party on President Obama and remember those who were there before you.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Post from Greg of the U.S.S.A

This is a note from my soul brother - Greg of the U.S.S.A. - a most interesting and excellent dude!

The economic problem has less to do with greed from the average person. And that it is more the fault of politicians medling in the market and distorting market forces. In the case of housing, they stron-armed banks into lending to people who the banks knew, would not or could not, pay back. These were then sold by the banks world wide, as the "credit default swaps". Like a virus spreading through a computer, these went world wide. And That Wall Street dirt bag Madoff, along with Congressmen Franks and others responsible, all belong swinging from ropes on the capital mall. I am serious. If there was such a thing as justice anymore, the lives these scum have ruined, deserve that kind of retrobution. How many people will die, as a direct result or indirect result of the stress, job loss and financial chaos? I believe that there are no accidents in politics. This is all a cynical maneuver to get rid of money altogether; and the freedom provided by the anonymity that cash allows. Now, if you buy a couch for $800.00; and sell it for $200.00, 7 years later; the thieves in government can grab more money in the form of taxes on that sale of $200.00!! This, and more that I am sure that scum has already figured on, is headed our way. It is all a rigged power grab, planned in more detail than we will ever know. I pray the Rosary every night now. It is all I can do. And I trust the "greedy" Wall Street types- Hell! I trust the Mafia more- than I will ever trust the Fascists that now create crisis to grab our freedom. In the end, they'll convince "The Great Unwashed" that "It was a failure of the markets". This Capitalist pig will never buy what they're selling- no matter the argument.
Post this to your blog and see what happens! You may now consider this conservative as a fellow traveller of anarchists. My only real problem with them now is: they still need to replace the municiple garbage pick-up and snow removal with a viable alternative. Don't even start me on public schools! I see no need of them, such as they now exist anyway.
Well...I'll climb down off of my soap box now. I'm just wondering when I have to start greeting people with the word "Comrade". (Sigh!) Take it easy comrade.
Greg of the U.S.S.A.

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